Carolina Lindberg is an artist based between Madrid and London. Her pieces, a medley of digital creations, paintings, textiles, sculptures and installations exude a language in self-crafted imagery and nuanced codes. 

Carolina´s adept use of colour, character creation and typography weaves a tapestry of visual metaphors and allegories. Within her ouvre, she harmoniously marries contrasts: the figurative with the abstract, the analogue with the digital, spirituality with functionality, and the ancient with the avant-garde.


Drawing inspiration from societal observations, Carolina´s work engages in profound discourse, probing existential questions and our place in the cosmos. 

 She adeptly meldd age-old craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology, crafting narratives that resonate with the modern individual. An harmonious blend of emotion and intellect, her creations echo the sentiments ans aspirations of contemporary society.