“The physical manifestations of the soul.

The vast world of the Invisible.

Solar light and visible objects.

The difference of study between the here-below and the hereafter.

How the fluidic invisible manifests itself.

The means employed to record manifestation.

Second plane of existence.

Dr. Hyppolite Baraduc

Imaging Inscape: The Human Soul: Its Movements,Its Lights, and the Iconography

of the Fluidic Invisible (1913)

The connection between our inner and outer self is the synergy that I convey in my work. The boundaries between animate and inanimate matter are broken down.

Based on the study of colour, geometry, life force and abstract figuration my mission is to tap into the viewers subconscious and awaken other realms of existence. Through my own codex of symbol systems I am developing my language to which everything is linked; nature, science, the supernatural, the occult, unseen worlds and the extatic paradigm.

As above, so below. What happens on a higher plane of existence also happens on our plane of existence. I invite the expectator to embark on an experience of connection between both worlds.

Our daily rituals are part of a cosmic order which can be enhanced by visual imagery, balanced by shape and form and guided with our thoughts.

My attention is not solely directed to planet Earth with all its variety of objects, or to the physical worlds around it; but I rather feel compelled to glance further afield and construct my own hypotheses as to the nature of the matter and force which lie in the regions beyond. In the realm of dreams and illusions we create astro-mental images which are the results of vibrations in the grey matter of the brain. I investigate the subtle forces by which the soul - defined as the intelligence working between the body and the spirit - expresses itself.

The creation of an object is the passing out of an image from the mind, and its subsequent materialisation. Geometry is the language of the Universe. In the words of Carl G. Jung “man’s recurring interest in, almost obsession with the symbols of the unconscious. They have for him a profound significant, almost nourishing and sustaining inner attraction”.