Stefan Otto´s (Sweden, 1969) work is recognized by an approach of Investigative unceartainties. 

Whether in it be through cleverly manipulated videos, complex stories of a grandfather that served in the German army, or dissecting the male ego. Nothing is ever unambiguos or assertive. He twists and turns reality and lets the work-process stand as a metaphor for the various layers that our memories and our mind consist of. Like trying to grasp a feeling or a fleeting sensation.

Otto´s work situates itself where a variety of realities are probed and looked upon with curiosity and bewilderment. With a backround in film and theater, the illuson of reality, or a constructed truth never seems far away. Otto works in a variety of media – painting, photography, film, installation and sculpture – often combining them all into a larger narrative. Always with a recognizable personal address.